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Minnie Cannon Elementary

Minnie Cannon Students are Safe, Respectful, Responsible and Kind

Policies and Procedures

Bikes & Skateboards

For students who ride their bikes or skateboards to school, bikes must be locked at the bike rack by the office and skateboards must be secured in the office. Students may NOT take them to and from classes.

Phone Policy

The office phone is available for student use.

This is for contacting parents/guardians of students who may have forgotten a project, etc. If a student wishes to go home, they MUST call from the office - no exceptions.

Cell phones are NOT to be used during school hours and must be turned off during the ENTIRE school day, 8:00-2:30PM for regular days 8:00-11:45 for minimum days. Students found using, in possession of, or otherwise displaying cell phones or other electronic devices during prohibited hours will have these items confiscated and held by school administration until the end of the school day.

MCE recognizes the fact that cellphones are an important communication device for parents and students. However, cellphones can also create significant distraction to the learning environment within a school. Cellphones are frequently a source of in-class disruptions, harassment, cheating, theft, and a variety of other inappropriate behaviors.

Ways Parents Can Help:

  • If you need to pick up your child before the end of the school day, please make arrangements with your student BEFORE SCHOOL for pick up locations or appointments, and bring a note or call the Attendance line so that we may get a note out to your student ahead of time so that they'll be ready for pick-up at the desired time.

  • Communicate with your student(s) regarding after school pick-up/ transportation BEFORE SCHOOL begins.

  • Gather ALL ITEMS that need to be taken to school by the front door (or other designated location) ahead of time so that nothing gets left behind, such as lunch, projects, homework, or PE clothes.

Home Lunch Drop off

  • Students that have their lunches dropped off will just come to the office during their lunch and pick it up from the drop off lunch bin. Parents you can drop your child’s lunch off with their name on it in the labeled bin.This is located in the office. Please label your child's lunch before dropping off.


Early Release and Changes to students route home

  • All student end of day changes need to be called in by 1:30 pm to ensure we have time to get student messages out.

  • Student sign outs need to be done by 2:00 pm. For example if your child has a 3:00 appointment you will need to sign them out at 2:00 pm.

Work When absent

  • If your child is out of school for any reason and you would like your child’s work please contact your child’s teacher through email, or if the teacher uses Dojo or Remind for the class you may contact the teacher that way. The teacher needs 24 hours to have the work to the office for pick up.


Parents must call or email the Attendance desk DAILY when their child is absent phone: 987-4130, email:

When leaving a message, please provide the following information:

  1. Name of Absent Student

  2. Date of absence

  3. Reason for absence (illness, doctor's apt, etc.)

  4. Name and daytime phone number of person calling, and the person’s relationship to the student. (mother, father, guardian, grandparent, etc.)

**Students who are late to school must sign in at the office and receive a pass to class. Parents/Guardians must provide a note or call ahead of time/time of drop off .**

While parent knowledge reasons are welcomed for coding purposes, they do not excuse a student from being tardy. Please make sure to get your student(s) to school on time!

Vacation & Trips/Independent Study

The school year is only 180 days. It is our hope that MCE Families plan vacations and trips around the academic calendar. If there is a need for student(s) to go on Short Term Independent Study it is a minimum of 5 school days. You must notify the office a MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK (7 DAYS) IN ADVANCE and fill out the appropriate forms/contract. Teachers will try to accommodate students with work for their absence. Please note this work may differ from actual class assignments (due to science labs and sessions that cannot be duplicated), and credit for all assignments may not be possible. Although preparation for independent study work will be at each teacher's discretion, it is not mandated upon the teacher. It is the student's responsibility to talk with their teachers and peers upon return to check on assignments missed. Upon return, the student must have the assigned work turned into the teacher for credit. Short Term Independent Study: no more than 3 weeks per school year.

Make-up Work Due To An Absence:

Students with an excused absence shall have one school day for each school day missed in order to make up homework or tests for this period. At the discretion of the teacher involved, in view of extenuating circumstances, the period of time for make-up work may be extended.

Messages to Students

Only in the case of an EMERGENCY will the office forward messages from parent to student as student messages delivered to the classroom cause disruption.

How Parents/Guardians Can Help:

  • Please discuss arrangements such as, transportation, appointments, and other non-urgent issues, in the morning or the previous night, before your student(s) leaves for school. If your student(s) needs to leave during the school day, please have them bring a note to the office BEFORE SCHOOL to get their Early Dismissal Slip.

Deliveries to Students

Deliveries to students often result in disruption to their classes. All deliveries should be kept to a minimum. Deliveries will NOT be made to the classroom, students may pick up items such as homework during recess.